Tuesday, April 04, 2006

What are Everyone looking for??

I did a research on what people are looking for in the search engine that brings them to this website and here's the statistics for over 100 results. Not very accurate but it's enough to find out what people are looking for.

The first keyword that most of the searches appear to be NYP Tammy with over 39.
"Tammy sex video downloads" and searches related to "tammy video"--- 10
Bukit Batok Sex or video ---- 6
Tammy Nyp Scandal --- 4

And here's are some interesting search that i jump upon
"how to commit sucide"
Is this person going to commit sucide? Finding ways to commit sucide? That's "oh my god". Who would thought of searching "how to commit sucide" if you are not going to commit sucide. It causes me to think if the search engines have some monitoring service, maybe the world will have one less sucide case. Wow... and we can also find robbers or thief or murder this way also before the crime actually took place.

About tammy nyp, I guess most people are interested in the latest news and latest gossips about this girl that's y they are searching for it. That's my own speculation anyway but there are still people looking for the sex video or the bukit batok video. I wonder what took them so long to look for the video.

There's one recent news on Tammy kissing another girl in a club.. I wonder how true is that.. check this out at http://92945.blogspot.com/2006/04/tammy-and-new-friend.html


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